Fawda band started in Bologna from an idea of Fabrizio Puglisi, Danilo Mineo, Reda Zine and Brothermartino. The sound of Fawda is a mix between electronic music, contemporary jazz and Gnawa moroccan music, based on the deep and warm bass sound of the Guembrì, a 3 strings traditional instrument, bearer of a musical culture based on trance, healing, sufism and ancient possession cults.
The new Fawda vinyl album is the result of deep on-field research during several African’s trips which evolved the artistic direction into new sounds, imaginaries, tones and topical issues also thanks to the collaboration with moroccan musicians from the Essaouira Gnawa confraternity with master Soudani, Egyptian master Hassan Bargamoon and Ethiopian (Fendika Cultural Center, Italian Institute Addis Abeba).
After the first LP release « Road to Essaouira » (Original Cultures, 2014) and then being selected among the winners of the « Bologna Unesco City Of Music 2020 » competition notice, Fawda, teaming up with the Scuola Popolare di Musica Ivan Illich of Bologna, are now presenting their new 7” vinyl titled « Abou Maye » along with the videoclip with features hand drawings by illustrator Squaz. The EP contains two tracks (Abou Maye and Semien Hotel) realized in co-production with the label Brutture Moderne.